That's not a conditioned Christian response, it's just genuinely what my response was. From my gut, literally. For 2 weeks I traveled through Sudan, Uganda, and Ethiopia to investigate on my own what crazy things Jesus is up to in that part of the world. Let me tell you, HE IS PRESENT...
He is present in the pain,
in the poverty,
in the healing,
in the community,
in the heartbreak,
in the sickness,
in the church,
in the hunger,
in the orphanages,
in the widow's home,
in the recovery of alcoholics,
in the life of Birukti,
in the X-prostitutes' eyes,
in the mosque (trust me, He's THERE...),
in the homecomings of refugees...
Whether we know about it over here in America, whether we participate in it (from home or while abroad), whether we ever believe it is even possible... Jesus is CONSTANTLY transforming broken lives in these countries. Jesus is hard at work moving, engaging, stirring, and above all LOVING the people in this corner of the world. As a witness, I testify that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever... a surrendered servant who loves the "least of these".
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