Monday, April 19, 2010

Chan-Kind of Obedience

Today I heard some great news. Biblical Good News kind of good news. I saw on a friend's Facebook that Francis Chan is "stepping out in faith." For every person out there who has an idea who Chan is, this will hopefully be a chance to reflect personally... and ask God: are you calling me here, still? Or is it just easy to stay. God could stir in either direction. And one is not right & the other wrong. I think the point is, it's a personal call. What is HE asking you to do? And are you willing to surrender to that? Even if it scares you to death. Even if it mourns the loss of everything you've ever known about how to do life & work.

Catalyst had an interview scheduled with Francis Chan the day he broke the news to his staff. So when asked "What's God doing in you right now?" the interviewing didn't realize how much of a "scoop" he'd unearthed. But thankfully, Chan was transparent and shared the process of the decision, which I pray gives peace & inspiration to others who might be in his shoes, yet scared. Here is the video interview. My favorite quote is "I'd be hypocritical if I didn't go...".

After this interview, Chan prepared to share the news with his church body. And yesterday, his sermon said it all. Click here to get the sermon "Surrender."

I am grateful for Chan's obedience. I am grateful for the kind of God that cares more about our walk with Him, more about our spiritual growth & perseverance, than He does about our "ministry." It reminds me of the passage from Isaiah 58 when God says, "No, this is the kind of fasting I want...".

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